Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dark pictures

Well, this is a cool feature SL have, for taking a snapshot. Instead of selecting "color" in the "capture" option, you select "Depth" when taking the snapshot. So It will make a gray scale starting for the objescts in the front in clor black and degrading to grays and finally white as the objects are geting farter. It gives some kind os gothic or sad feeling, but still being very cool.


Aspen Club


Koffee's Club


The Vortex
This one is in the SLC main base.

Adz's tree house


Some cool place for robot combat
The boy scout camp

Nemo beach


And that is it, I had lot of fun playing whit this picture option, the pictures are posted as SL delivered them. They are not edited in any way. I am the lonly kid in all the pictures.